Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dum de dum...

No exciting news from here. I'll post about our wedding plans to date and more specifically our honeymoon maybe tomorrow night.

I ran 5km last night, just on 0% incline. Tonight I have 1% incline which will be fun. Using trigonometry (OK fine, an internet-based trigonometry calculator) I calculated that over the 5km I will have run up an 87m hill. If only I could set it to run down an 87m hill. I'd kill it.

Last night's average speed was 10.594km/hr. Can anyone suggest a good goal time? Is 22 minutes too fast? Perhaps I should aim for 25 minutes and then reassess. I wish there was some sort of running event before 9 January where I could challenge myself. Oh well.


Annie the Blonde said...

You could try:


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