I am in a super grump this evening. I'm still not sleeping enough (my own fault), and therefore I get like this pretty much every evening. I go to the gym late and then I feel all happy and awesome and energised, right when I should be sleeping.
In order to cheer myself up, here is a list of things that have made me happy over the last few days:
1. My new iPhone cover - I got the blue one on the far right, and intend on also getting the pink one. For some reason I'm loving colours at the moment (I'm usually distinctly monochrome). I got it from Wow for $14.95. Not too bad.

2. This lovely Emporio Armani stainless steel watch, as shown in the latest In Style. I love a good man-style watch, have you noticed? The Fossil one I wanted is no longer in stock, which is a bummer. Especially given that the only other two I seem to like are close to $600...

The Burberry watch from an earlier covet list:

3. The Blog of the Week that I received from Jade at She Is Jade. I adore Jade's blog. When I wake up in the morning the first blog I check is hers in my Google Reader, just in case she has posted overnight. You absolutely must check out her blog and follow her. I believe she was also my very first follower, and therefore I am super especially fond of her.
Jade, your post really made my day - it's lovely to know that somebody enjoys reading my blog :-) x
4. A trip to the Sunshine Coast with little sis, J. It wasn't the most successful of outings - neither of us were looking for anything in particular, it was really just an excuse to hang out for the day. It was humid and hot and we were in jeans (we're idiots like that) but it was a nice day anyway...
5. Mojitos - I'd never had one before, and my father made some on Saturday afternoon. So refreshing! The second one that he made me had a little more sugar, and this made me super happy.

6. The gym - last night I ran for 15 minutes straight, which is kind of a big deal for me. I ran 25 minutes in all, so 3.75km. My goal is to be able to run 5km in under 30 minutes. I'd ideally like to do that before my birthday in June. I think that's attainable given my current progress. Now that my fitness is improving I just have to work on the ol' weight loss. They both go hand in hand I guess.
I do feel better - fancy that.
What a great list - now go get some sleep!
I love that Armani watch, totally gorgeous. I love big arm candy man watches, I'm going to buy myself one for Christmas this year :)
I'm so glad that you loved the Blog of the Week! I didn't realize that I was your first follower, but I'm glad I found your blog, because it's great!
I love mojitos. And I love your blog too xx
Haha ok freak, we must be soul mates - I bought a new watch recently and was tossing up between a Burberry & an Emporio Armani (got the Armani, nothing like the ones you're looking at but now lemming a Longines... $$). I'm also super-fit but running? Mm, no, not for me, can't, body won't, huge if I run 5 minutes.
We should have a mojito together!
Looking forward to hair post.. & thanks for finding me x
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