Friday, April 2, 2010

It's a Good Friday...

We've had a lovely day today. It has all revolved around housework - we're entertaining this weekend (definitely tomorrow, perhaps Sunday as well if it's rainy and our picnic in the park falls through). As a result we've been cleaning up the garden, which needed to be done anyway. We took some old furniture and other rubbish to the tip - the bulldozer crushing my old couch was scary, one minute it's there, the next minute it's moosh.

My arms still have welts on them from the vines - scratches and a reaction to the sap. Yes, I wear EA's pacman pj pants around the house.

I'm not quite sure what the point of this post is really, and that's OK. I'm in a good mood because of my productivity today, plus we are purchasing something from my covet list tomorrow and I'm so excited that I can't even contain myself. I will post tomorrow once it is purchased. I'm worried that it won't be in stock. Please think positive thoughts for me.

We just watched The Mentalist and had eggs on toast for dinner - keeping the relationship exciting and all that. We watch the Mentalist as soon as it screens in the US. On that note, I'll leave you with some Simon Baker. That smile!!!


Carly Findlay said...

Sigh. Simon Baker Denny. Hottttt.

Almost as hot as Callan Mulvey!


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