Sunday, September 26, 2010

My weekend...

I had a really lovely weekend. Yesterday morning my little sister came over to pick EA and I up and we went to the Gold Coast after having a look at the house EA's brother and his girlfriend are moving into. We went to Harbourtown, had Nandos for lunch and J bought an Oroton handbag. I am really very proud and jealous - it's dark blue, my favourite colour, and a style very similar to one of my Oroton bags. I just couldn't justify a purchase there, even though it was 50% off the marked price of everything.

We then went to Pacific Fair where J bought some Clinique stuff and I bought a black maxi dress - I'm a big fan of the maxi dress but have never had one. I plan on purchasing a few for this summer.

We stayed at EA's dad and stepmum's house last night (hi AA!). We watched the last quarter of the AFL grand final (or whatever it's called now that there is another grand final next weekend - fascinating) and had a BBQ dinner. Much wine was consumed and I thank sipping water all through the night for my complete lack of any sort of hangover this morning. Not that I was really drunk, but it was enough that I expected to feel a bit under the weather.

We ended up having Yatala pies for breakfast. I couldn't get through mine, probably because I drank a 500mL carton of chocky milk. Yummo. I got home and weighed myself and hadn't put on any weight - BONUS!

After a nice long nap over lunch time I sat around for the afternoon watching a bit of TV. Which reminds me, I really need to put some washing on. I also went for my run - I hadn't done much exercise in the last couple of days so I was a bit worried. I therefore planned out my run - how fast, when I could walk if I needed to - in order to keep the average speed up. I still don't trust myself not to be lazy and then lose a lot of time needlessly - I need to keep pushing myself.

The result: almost exactly as I had planned:

Average speed 8.806km/hr. I'm getting up there, but still can't run the entire thing. I'm tossing up between continuing as I have been doing or really slow things down but try to do a slow jog the entire way and then build speed from there once I can complete the entire 5km without walking. I'll give it some thought.

After my run I sat in the living room for almost an hour doing my crunches, squats and arm weights. I love doing that while watching Modern Family. EA even came out to keep me company, which was lovely.

In other fitness news, I have signed up to do a yoga course - it starts tomorrow week and I'm very excited. I will go on Monday evenings for 10 weeks and after that hopefully I love it and will continue on.

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend. I'm off to find something to eat. Tossing up between a kiwi fruit or a very small plate of nachos. It's lean beef and beans, light cheese, light sour cream, so it's not the worst meal in the world, except for the corn chips. Given the exercise I've done today though and the weight loss this week I'm prepared to give myself a(nother) treat.


Jade said...

Yay for maxi dresses! I bought three of them last summer, because every time I was on the continent, I'd see pretty colourful ones at the markets for EUR10 or 20, so I had to buy them!

Just a girl said...

your blog always inspires me to get my ass to gym and do some excercise

Aspiring Domestic Goddess said...

I'm very impressed!

I can only run on 8.5 for 2 mins max before I have to stop hahahaha!
I shall blame exercise enduced asthma.


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