Saturday, October 30, 2010

Covet list...

EA is currently asleep, but alas I have left it too late and so I'm trying to stay awake until bedtime tonight.

I've been researching hair products, and it's turning into quite the covet list:

1. Moroccan Oil 

Everyone keeps raving about it. I've read that it's full of silicone, though nobody seems to agree as to whether it's the good or bad silicone (is there such a thing as good silicone?) In any case, I'm happy to use a clarifying shampoo once a week if I find there is build-up.

I think I'll start with the 25mL bottle from Recreate Yourself - $24.95.

2. Cloud Nine Straightening Iron

My hair salon, Vogue Nationale, has moved to using these and from the feedback on the Vogue forums it looks like it will suit me very well. It is out of that and the GHD, but I think this is new and exciting and you know how I always fall for new and exciting...

The Cloud Nine Iron (as opposed to the Wide or Micro) retails for $270.

3. Parlux 3800 Eco Friendly Hair Dryer in Silver

I've heard such good things about these dryers, and therefore I want one.

I'd buy this from Recreate Yourself for $149.95.

4. Finger Diffuser for Parlux 3800

Because I have such curly hair, I need a diffuser when I want to dry my hair curly.

Currently retailing for $19.50 from Recreate Yourself.

On another note, I feel as though I need some colour in my hair. I'm thinking highlights, or something like this (seen in the Metalicus advertising for this season):


Maxabella said...

I'm a big fan of Morrocan Oil. My hairdresser rabbited on about all the silicone in it and I just said "well, it works for me and that's all we need to know." Forget the clarifying shampoo, a rinse with apple cider vinegar every other week does amazing things for all types of hair. It doesn't smell of vinegar at all and just brings it all back to gloss. x

missea said...

Oh thank you for that tip! I happen to have two unopened bottles of apple cider vinegar in my pantry - if I'm not game to drink it, I may as well put it to good use in my hair!

Claire said...

I recently purchased a 10ml sample of Morrocan Oil and have fallen in love, will be buying a bigger bottle of the stuff soon. Good luck!


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