Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grateful Saturday...

It has been a rough week. I spent Wednesday to Friday at home with a nasty stomach 'bug' - I just may be over it, but who knows.

I realised this evening that it was time to post about what I'm grateful for this week along with Maxabella.

1. Water

It has only been since about 5pm today that I've felt like I could absorb the food and drink I'm putting into myself. I have been so, so thirsty for days and I will never again underestimate the feeling of hydration. My water bottle is going with me everywhere from now on.

2. Forgetfulness

I spent all day in bed and completely forgot that the December issue of InStyle arrived in my mailbox yesterday. I remembered about half an hour ago - I love magazine subscriptions. I will retrieve it shortly and it will make my Saturday night wonderful.

3. Angry Birds

Not the game - the theme song. A few days ago EA and I started singing it at exactly the same time in exactly the same key. It was eery, but very cool. I can listen to that music all day, it always puts a smile on my face. The game is pretty fun as well, however I've stopped playing it because it wastes too many hours of my time.

What are you grateful for this week?


Jade @ Earth to Jade said...

Today, I'm not sure what I'm grateful for as it's a bad day but I'm certainly pleased to read your post!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling all better now. Like you, magazine subscriptions are a huge source of pleasure to me as well!

Maxabella said...

What a horrible week for you, Missea. I'm glad you're on the mend. I don't have a clue what this Angry Birds business is, but it's beyond cool that you are both so in-sync! x

Felicity said...

I can SO relate to this post after spending ages under the shower last night with a tummy upset [have never been able to bring myself to put my head into a toilet bowl!].

Here's to a better week for all,

Felicity x


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