I also considered naming this post "I am a fat blob..." and looked up google images:
Hey look, it's me!!!
Needless to say, I have fallen off the fitness bandwagon. I can blame a number of factors - work stress being the main one - but really that's no excuse. You see, a good hard run would have really helped my stress levels.
I have also been eating terribly. I won't even go into the details there.
The result is that I haven't lost weight in a couple of weeks. Actually, it's probably closer to 3 weeks. I haven't put any weight on either, but that's hardly consolation.
My plan? Get off my butt and fix things. Starting tonight - I have no commitments this evening, so as soon as I get home I will out my running gear on and will hit the treadmill. I will also hit the fresh, healthy foods again. No excuses.
What a pretty photo of you! ;)
Great plan. I was in a bit of a rut until Monday as well. Not a huge deal, but it did feel great to get back on the healthy food and into the running again. I'm sure you'll feel fantastic after a run tonight.
Don't pull any of this healthy eating shit on our brownie date though. I don't want you turning down Lindt chocolate in favour of carrot sticks, OK?
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